About Me

Friday, August 29, 2008

Little sad today, also a little peeved off, as one of my Tilda dolls I bought last year is falling to pieces, the body so far is ok but the rest.... clothes etc the material is fraying and the glue is coming unglued , sewing is coming undone !!!!! arrgghhh. If only a little more time had gone into finishing her off such as sewing under the seams so the don't fray or using a zigzag pair of scissors, sewing the flower to the hands and body instead of using hot glue, making sure that the sewing had been tied off well. Looks like I'm gonna have to repair her myself !!!!!

I definately won't be buying from this person again !!! and this seller sells a lot of hand sewn products too......!!!

This is one of the problems when you buy on-line, looking at the photo of the finished product and how it is presented looks just greyt and everyone rants and raves about this crafter you don't expect to find these little negative surprises, but then once you get it in your hands you can start to see the little flaws..... when there are some of course !!! I suppose haven't been too lucky to buy something from this on-line seller who when you see their blog/web page you would never expect this from them. With most of the Amercian doll sellers, that I've so far bought from I've never had any problems ...and their dolls are to die for, now I understand why I've paid an arm and a leg for them !!!....good quality workmanship.
So it's better to spend a little longer on your work to add the extra finishing touches to your finished product , that in time should last , and have happy satisfied customers who will return or pass on the good word to future would be customers......than be a sloppy joe and have unsatisfied customers or lose them and be bad mouthed about...............what would you rather have??? I know what type of seller I would like to be and what type of buyer.

Have been doing some more sketching assignments to take my mind off the poor little Tilda....I suppose I should now call her a RAGGEDY, PRIMITIVE TILDA !!!!! lol

have a greyt weekend
crafty joan


Illy said...

Oh povera Tilda! Ma quello che te l'ha venduta è italiano? L'avrà fatta scadente per risparmiare sul materiale e sul tempo di lavorazione...

Anonymous said...

Ciao Joan... sono passata per farti un salutino... e per mandarti un bacione grande!

Anna said...

hihihihi, no... non sto studiando inglese, magari!
come i bambini piccoli, guardo le figure ;OP
per fortuna anche nel tuo blog ci sono tante figure! lol
molto belli questi disegni

serendipity said...

@ Illy
rispondo alla tua domanda reguarda la venditrice....mi dispiace per dirlo ma la risposta è si