About Me

Thursday, June 03, 2010


Questo libro vorrei vendere non ho mai utilizzato o guardato da quando è stata comprata per me in 2009, e proprio come nuovo., mio e.mail è in alto a destra di questa pagina.
Fra poco anche altri libri che vorrei vendere che non utilizzo piu.

by Violette

check her out, has a lot of tutorials, videos and links to be had.

This was bought for me but unfortunately It's not a book I would have bought for myself given the choice. It's been sitting in a cupboard looking sad as it's never been used or read since it was given to me in 2009. The person who gave it to me knows and agrees that I should sell it if I can and buy a book that really appeals to me.
Nice one friend.........you really rock.

If anyone's interested pls e-mail me in private, email address top right of this page-

I'm having a clearout as I'm just not doing so much mixed media work and craft work at the moment so I'll probably notify you of more books soon.

Trying out new things at the moment with techniques that I already know, will show you soon.



Anonymous said...

Potrei essere interessata a questo libro ma non so come contattarti in privato perchè non ho vedo il tuo indirizzo e-mail.
Fammi sapere, grazie!

Anonymous said...

In alto a destra io vedo due scritte: "Crea blog" ed "Entra" credo che l'indirizzo lo possa vedere solo tu perchè sei loggata...

serendipity said...

deve essere li sul mio profile sul questa pagina

ufoide@gmail.com said...

hai ancora questo libro?