About Me

Thursday, January 07, 2010


The generous Alisa Burke had a new year giveaway on her blog, she was offering 5 of her online workshops and..................................I was chosen for one of them, this is the first time I've ever been picked for a giveaway etc and the course I've chosen is the RECYCLING REMIX online workshop as this year I want to go more GREEN with my choices for my art .

This couldn't have come at a better time and has cheered me up no end after all the personal problems of 2009.... I'm so appreciative of kind people and it's nice to know that they still exist in this mad world we live in.

IMPORTANT NEWS............on Alisa's blog
As she could only offer 5 courses on her giveaway on Wednesday the 13th she is offereing $10.00 discount on all her online courses.

looking forward to doing the course
ciao a very happy crafty


Enri said...

Ma che fortuna Joan!Congratulations :-)
Grazie dell'info sugli sconti, adesso vado a vedere i corsi :-)
ps Happy New Year ^_^

barbara said...

happy ypu were so lucky!

barbara said...

happy you were so lucky!