About Me

Friday, September 18, 2009


I have alway loved using image transfer methods in my art work,at the moment here image transfer with acrylic paint is the image transfer of the moment.
I prefer to use acrylic gesso.
At the moment I'm making a batch of GEL SKINS for future art work.

GEL SKIN method.
Find an image you would like to transfer, bearing in mind COPYRIGHT if not sure take something from the FREE DOMAIN sector. I use ink jet images, magazine images and photocopy images.

Put a layer of Gel medium over the image and wait until this layer is dry, you will know when, as the gel goes from a milky colour to a clear . I usually put 3-4 layers on , each time in a different direction, (3D hatching).

Once you have put all your layers on place the image face up, ( paper image under and gel layer up) in warm water and wait for about 20 mins so it gets a real good soaking.

remove and place image face down on something plastic, otherwise the image can become distorted when rubbing off the paper. To remove paper I use slow circular movements.

let dry, if you see there is still some paper attached , soak again and repeat until you are happy with the gel skin.

To put transfer image, onto my art work I like to use Diamond Glaze. I also use it for transparencies , packing tape transfer tech and all other transparency transfer images. Have never had any problems with D.Glaze nice smooth images with no bubbles or lumps under transfer.

Have a surf around the web and you will find other tutorials and videos, on all types of transfer image techniques, can't remember where I saw this, was sometime last year.

I've tried using white glue PVC , but haven't had any luck, I thought it might have been soaking the image in warm water that softened the glue, so I also tried in cold water but to no avail, during the rubbing off process everything starts to break up. If anyone has had any luck with white glue , please let me know.

crafty joan


Illy said...

Oh cos'è successo, è sparito il testo! :-O nooooooo!!!!

Grazie mille Joan per il tuo commento, eh magaaaari assomigliasse alle cose di suzi o willowing!
Mi piacerebbe ma... io sono solo io... e poi so disegnare solo facce manga, per la matrioska ho provato a usare le tecniche di suzi che ho imparato dal corso che ho comprato da lei (da willowing però non ho ancora comprato nulla... coi soldi siamo un po' così e se devo scegliere... scelgo suzi!)


Illy said...

Ma io voglio leggerlo da te il tutorial!!!!!!!!!

serendipity said...

ILLY, se interessa del tutorial che e sparito ti mando piu avanti quando ho piu tempo.
Sono imbranata con il computer di solito durante il giorno lascia stare dopo mezza notte !!!

Gina-B said...

Thanks for posting this - I'm really looking forward to trying your technique as you have explained it really well.
BEst wishes, Gina-B (ATCs for all)

ByLightOfMoon said...

Thanks for the tutorial, I will try it! Smiles, Cyndi